I hope this note finds everyone well! Here it is, the completed under painting for wet rose. That is really pretty nice for the under coat. Usually I call my under paintings "ugly paintings" because the under coat does not make sense or even look nice. I've got a true picture of an ugly painting coming in the next couple days. I think we are going to follow more than one painting at the same time! I typically work on 4-8 paintings at the same time so that I can make sure the layers dry thoroughly, and I don't get tempted to paint the top layer too early. (That is bad!!) So, I have a farm scene started and it will be showing itself soon! Until next time...
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wet Rose Painting Day 5
I hope this note finds everyone well! Here it is, the completed under painting for wet rose. That is really pretty nice for the under coat. Usually I call my under paintings "ugly paintings" because the under coat does not make sense or even look nice. I've got a true picture of an ugly painting coming in the next couple days. I think we are going to follow more than one painting at the same time! I typically work on 4-8 paintings at the same time so that I can make sure the layers dry thoroughly, and I don't get tempted to paint the top layer too early. (That is bad!!) So, I have a farm scene started and it will be showing itself soon! Until next time...
Wet Rose Painting Day 4
Good Morning!
Wow, this seems a little weird to me. I have never blogged in the morning! However, I got some more painting done yesterday on wet rose so I thought I might go ahead and post the progress. I should be able to finish the under painting today. Then, I have a quilt and a mural to work on while it dries. More about that in a later blog!
Until next time...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wet Rose Painting Day 3
Hello! Here is a quick post with the progress of wet rose. All of the petals are now in place. I just have to lay out the leaves and background. It's gotten all the up to 19 degrees... I think it's about warm enough to go for a run! More progress shots later tonight or tomorrow!
Until next time...
Wet Rose Painting Day 2
Good Morning! I suppose it is good morning as it is now past midnight and into the next day. However, I have not made it to bed yet so my mind is still on Wednesday!! I got a little excited about the progress of wet rose so I just kept going! I would say it is about half way under painted now. I call this layer the under painting because at the moment I am not concerned about minor details or major details for that matter. I just want to get a feel for the shapes, the layout, where some of the darks and lights will go. I will paint another layer on top of this one that will be more explicit and more dramatic.
As a side note but not too far off the beaten path, I received some exciting news in the mail today. I have been accepted into some top notch arts festivals this season in the Chicago area. I am quite amazed and absolutely thrilled! This is going to be a great festival season! Once things are squared away, I should have a full list of my shows this year on my website. I'll of course let you know when that is updated! As we would say on the running trail... Wooo Hoooooo!
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Wet Rose Painting Day 1
Happy Tuesday! I had another full day! I was custom framer, quilt designer and painter today! I've started a new memory quilt that includes t-shirts this time. T-shirt quilts are fun because they look so comfortable and quite full of memories from edge to edge! I also took a little time out to get lost in the center of my new rose painting. Here is the progress shot from today. I chose this picture so you could also see the colors I mixed on my pallet. Until next time...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Busy day
I have a couple things to comment on this blog. First, take a look, it's the first step to painting Wet Rose. I now have it all mapped out with the petals and droplets just where I want them. I planned the painting on a small scale, in this case, I went straight from the photo. Often times I want to follow my own path and just use the photo as reference every now and again. This time, I am so pleased with my photo that I will probably stick rather close to it. Using a black and white copy of my design, I project the design onto the 36 x 36" canvas. I lay in important lines and now I'm ready to lay in some blocks of color. I'm hoping to get to that tomorrow.
Secondly, I went to help in the take in process at The High Road Gallery where my new cows were headed. It is a beautiful gallery. It is an older house converted into a gallery so it is very homey. My cows are over a fire place and look quite nice there! I have to go back and get a picture. I was trying desperately to get one green color to dry in time, so I missed any picture taking opportunities! But they made it there without getting paint on anyone! I also entered "When I Grow Up" of my field and tree paintings. My paintings are amongst a group of artists work from the Worthington Area Art League. It's going to be a very nice show!
Until next time...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Brand new "Follow a Painting"
It's Sunday and I think I am ready to start a new "Follow a Painting." This one will be called Wet Rose until it is finished and titled. Today you are looking at the photo that inspired this painting. It is a picture I took of a rose in my father's garden. I think this is his favorite color and one of his pride and joys! I caught it on a day after it had just rained. That day, I was just snapping shots because it was so beautiful but now it's saying that I must paint it and paint it big!! This painting will be 36 x 36 inches. Can you imagine how fabulous those water droplets will be that large! I can't wait! This will take at least a couple layers of paint so come back and check on it's progress!!
And how are those cows you ask? Well, they are FINISHED!!! At the moment they are too wet to photograph but when they are ready, I will snap a shot for you to see! They turned out so sweet! They are headed to a gallery tomorrow so I'd better get the fan on it to speed dry!
Until next time...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
About those cows...
Hello! I had a request to see progress of the cows I've been talking about. Coincidently, I was shuffling through some photos my husband took and I found this really fun picture of me painting a cow. That is probably the only progress shot I have of this painting but I should be able to show a finished picture soon. On another note, I got a call today with an invitation to go see orchids at a local conservatory. How wonderful was that! I now have some really, really interesting flower images to paint. Let's get these cows done, I have posies to paint! Until next time!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Close to Finished
Good Afternoon!
Fantastic News! I believe White Rose is arguably finished. I am only contemplating playing with the background just a little before I officially call it finished! This painting is on the subtle side color wise for me but I love it! It is strong and quiet at the same time. That idea will be reflected in my title I think. Here's an idea... how about an online title party? Do you have a good title for this piece? If so, let me know and I'll consider it when I title! Now, I HAVE to work on my cows! They are due in a gallery soon and I've about waited till a comfortable last minute to get the details on the grass and cows. Until next time...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Follow a Paitning - Take 3
Hello to all! Hope you had a great day. I went out in the frozen tundra tonight to see the eclipse of the moon and that was pretty cool. Somehow, I've missed all the lunar eclipses in my life time so far. Anyway, moon watching and shivering aside, I actually got a bit of painting done today. Here is the latest progress shot of "White Rose." That is it's generic title for now. I was actually listening to some music while I painted and a title sparked from that. Now, I cannot remember what that spark was! For now, it is time to head to bed. My goal tonight was to get there before midnight. Hmmm... gotta go! Until next time...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Follow a Painting
Hello! I thought I'd do a fun little project in my blog called "Follow a Painting." I thought it would be fun to take pictures of a painting during it's progress from white canvas to, in this case, beautiful rose! I didn't think of it until I was part way through the first brush strokes but here is the very first layer of paint on this painting. This piece is part of my nose to nose with nature series. Just thought of that too! I've been painting close ups of flowers, rocks, and trees for a little while now and this is the next addition to family! This layer is actually in acrylic (it dries faster) and it basically outlines my subject and blocks in the shapes. This will be a white rose. So to calibrate the lights and darks of the flower easier, I put in a dark background for now. I haven't yet decided what color the background will be but this will be a nice base for whatever I choose. Tomorrow, I shall have quite a bit of progress on the petals. Until then...
Monday, February 18, 2008
Snowing Again!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Saturday!
I'm back today. I pulled another one in the morning last night/ this morning so I did not quite make it to the computer to blog. Yesterday and today were both painting days. The cows are coming along. They now have trees to play in and one has some personality showing through. She is giving me some sas now! I am about to paint her sister after I am done here. They look as though I interrupted a deep conversation so I am titling this one "May We Help You?" It should be pretty fun when all is said and done!
Above is a picture of the quilt I finished earlier in the week. I said I would post it later and here it is! It was a bit of work but well worth it. It looks gorgeous! It was inspired by two or three ideas from various books and combined for something very special. There are actually printed photos inside the stars. All of my custom quilts are designed and sewn by myself based on the ideas of the client ordering. Sometimes photos, fabrics, clothes, or other memory items are provided by the client. A design is approved before I start sewing and they always turn out so special for whoever it is made for. Enjoy looking at this one!
Until next time...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!
Hi! Hope you had a nice Valentines day. My day was pretty normal despite the holiday. I decided it has been way too long since I last ran and my Saturday group would be sure to yell at me if I didn't get a few miles in before then... so out I went. 30 degrees with a wind chill of 13 but the sun was SO inviting. Bundled up I went and toted along my camera this time! I was headed back to the half frozen creek that I wanted to see with snow. The rocks and surrounding banks did have snow and it was nice. I probably should have ventured out earlier if I wanted snow in trees too but the trail was icy enough 2 days after the storm! Trying not to fall on my keister, I continued on and stopped to take pictures when it was too icy to run! You are looking at one of those images now... perhaps an inspiring photo for a later painting? Didn't get the chance to paint like I wanted today but perhaps we'll get to swing a couple brushes tomorrow! Until next time...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's good to be back. I think I missed yesterday. It just blew right by me! Let's see, it snowed so I had no excuse to leave the studio. I made some great progress on my cows and clouds. They now have a distant field, a couple trees and some grass to nibble on! I also wove two baskets. Then I got the notion to do some art thinking so by the time I thought I was done for the day it was 1:30 in the morning and today was here! Today was bit of a computer day and I spent a shift at the frame shop. Tomorrow promises to be a super productive day (we're moving Valentines day to later this week!!!) so hopefully I have something fun to show tomorrow!
Until next time...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Finally Finished
Sunday, February 10, 2008
New Week
For me, Sunday marks a brand new week. I write out my agenda and goals for the week and get my mind set for what is about to come on Monday! This week I get to finish a quilt, perhaps start another, paint and frame. I got my red barn finished on my new painting. I have trees, grass and cow details left to go. I'm pretty excited though, because that was my very first barn ever and I have to say, I'm a quite proud of myself! It will be a great place for my cows to hang out when it gets cold like today has become. Brrrrrrrr.....
Until next time...
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lesson Learned
My lesson of the day came while I was running. And the lesson I learned was "ALWAYS BRING A CAMERA!" I was running right along a path I frequently run and I probably could have taken a good dozen pictures today. Now my legs would have been rather irritated at all the stopping, but my creative brain would have loved me! There were beautiful clouds out today and unusually blue skies for a February, Midwest day. I saw a deer very close in my path. There were some trees playing in the clouds that were perfect compositions. And of course the squirrels and birds constantly entertain me on my runs. Probably no pictures of them, but had to mention them anyway. So I need to create a running pouch for my camera from now on! Now to quote Forest Gump, "that's all I have to say about that!"
Until next time...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Clouds and Cows
And then, I ended up in the painting studio working on my latest landscape. This piece is for a show called, "Art from the Heart." There were several places that I could have painted that would have struck a cord in my heart but the scene I chose is also very fun for me. My husband's Aunt and Uncle live on several acre's of land and raise Hereford cattle. I had never really paid that close attention to the farm until one day myself and another artist, Beth Crowder, decided to go on a photo shoot of the valleys and farm land around Zanesville. I promised her we would get to see cows on one of the farms and when we got there, no cows were in sight! I lamented this observation to my Uncle and he told me not to worry, when he saw us returning from taking photos of the other hills on the farm, he would call out the cows. Well, he did not lie and there they were coming right out to see us as we came back. I had a blast hanging out with the cows! I got the most fun and surprisingly inspiring photos of those cow diva's and it is his farm and his cows I am painting in my new work! Those crazy cows won over my heart and so they are going into the "Art from the Heart" show!
I have actually painted some of those cows in another painting and they will be hanging in an exhibition called "Wings, Tails, Hooves, and Scales." So far, my cows have gotten rave reviews. Why not paint some more! And of course I love to paint clouds in my scenes, so today in the painting room, it was all about clouds and cows!
Until next time... mooo?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Wednesday!
This will probably be a short hello, but I wanted to make sure I got a note out. Today, I did not get to spend a lot of time in the studio. I wore my framer hat today and worked a shift in the custom frame shop. I did get home in time to watch Project Runway though. It is the one show I keep tabs on fairly regularly... it is fun to see art in the form of fashion design. I don't know how they come up with those outfits on such time constraints. It takes a while sometimes for my creative juices to flow. Speaking of... perhaps I'll have something to share about those creative juices tomorrow. Ta ta for now!
Until next time...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sew Cool!
Okay, we just had a flash of lightning followed by it's thunder! Now you are going to learn a little secret of mine... I'm not much of a fan of thunder storms - so I'm out of here! Until next time...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Final Reveal
This will be the final reveal for this particular series. I am actually working on some more paintings now and a memory quilt. The quilt has a nearby deadline so it gets first priority! Sewing has been the name of the game today. For now however, let's take a look at this lovely painting. I told you yesterday that this would be a sister to yesterday's painting and now you see why. This one is titled "Field of Posies." It is also 24" high and 8" wide. This one actually started the whole series to begin with but ironically was the last one finished! I especially like the clouds in this one. The sky has nice negative space. Enjoy! And thank you for the nice comment on my blog. I do welcome comments. I just haven't shared the link with a ton of people yet. We'll get there soon!
Until next time...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
A Quiet Sunday
Hello! It's good to be back. I believe my Saturday just slipped right by me! I did have a good time helping my mother pick out fabrics and quilt patterns for some baby quilts she is about to embark on. I have a couple of nieces on their way this spring. Very fun! Well, here is the third painting of my series of four paintings finished recently. This one is titled "Field of Posies II." This is an original oil on canvas measuring 8" wide by 24" high. The posies, trees and clouds wrap around the sides of the stretched canvas so you can follow them around as you pass by it. I love the tall, thin format of these paintings because I can really have a great time with the sky and the clouds! You will find the final piece is a sister to this one. Enjoy and I'll look forward to showing you the last of the series tomorrow!
Until next time...
Friday, February 1, 2008
A New Painting
Happy Friday! It is snowing fluffy flakes outside my window right now! I actually do not mind the snow as long as I don't have to drive on it much!! Otherwise, it can be quite beautiful. However, there is no snow in this new painting! This one is titled "My Head's in the Clouds." It looks like the evergreen trees are enjoying themselves amongst the low clouds. In this painting, as I do with many of my cloud/ tree paintings, I thought about how the tree shapes complimented the cloud shapes. This oil on stretched canvas is 8" high and 6" wide. I paint around the edges of my canvases so there is actually more to this painting than you can truely see! By painting the sides, the image has a 3-D feel and it's ready to hang! Very fun! Enjoy!
Until next time... have a great weekend!