Hello. This entry will be a bit short. I just wanted to post another progress shot of Tulip Party. More tomorrow! Until next time...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Another shot
Hello. This entry will be a bit short. I just wanted to post another progress shot of Tulip Party. More tomorrow! Until next time...
Tulip Report
Good Morning! I thought I would send the next picture in follow a Tulip Party! The plan is to work on it throughout the day and into tomorrow so I will try to take as many progress shots as possible without boring you! Here is the rest of the tulips in that row and a few leaves. There is another row of three tulips I think that will be added soon plus more green leaves. In case you didn't know, you can click on the picture and it comes up a little bit bigger. Then make sure to hit the back arrow instead of closing to go back to the blog. I know this one is bit harder to see the details right now.
Until next time...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Follow a Painting
Now that wet rose is finished, I want to start a new "Follow a Painting." I know I mentioned I wanted to work on clouds next but I have had a commisioned painting in the wings that is due when the tulips bloom. Since my tulips are popping through the ground, I think I am about to get very close to that deadline! So, my new follow a painting is called "Tulip Party with White Tulips." It is 12" high by 24" wide and oil on canvas. What you see today may be hard to see well because I am painting the white tulips first! The magic will happen when I apply the blue background and the white you can't quite see now will be revealed. We will be there soon and I'm itching to just get started on it, BUT I know it is in my best interest to get the stems on first. Thus, I must wait and so will you!
Until next time...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Good Friday to you! As promised, I have a picture of wet rose with it's final stokes of paint! How exciting. Remember, this piece is 36"x36" painted with oil on canvas. It is always exciting to finish a bigger piece because you can really see and enjoy the time and energy invested in it. Now I'm on to a tulip party with white tulips. It is about to be tulip season and I can't wait. I love painting tulips. They have so much personality! I'll try to take some pictures of that one as I go along too. Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Happy Thursday!
Good Evening! Today, I made some more progress on wet rose. The goal is to have a final picture for you tomorrow. I finished painting about half of my leaves today. I look forward to finishing it and move on to one of the cloud paintings I started last week. We are also about to embark on a move. This will not effect my conversations here (I don't think) but it will be another thing on my agenda. It's going to be a busy April! A photo tomorrow. Can't wait!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Just wanted to stop in and say hello. I did not get much done in the studio today. I worked a long shift at the frame shop today and then met some friends for pre-game munchies. Now the Buckeyes are on and I am scanning photos for another memory quilt, a wall hanging this time. Otherwise, not a lot to report today. Perhaps tomorrow will be more fruitful!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
In Stitches
Hello! Today was a big sewing day. And when I say big I am being quite literal! I finished piecing my t-shirt quilt today and it is about 80" by 87." Now for those who know me well, that can cover me three or four times. For those of you who don't know me well, that can cover me three or four times!! It's huge! It's very cool though. Very classic, no frills, just t-shirts and sashing, very neat and tidy. It's for a young man so he will appreciate it's simplicity. Now I have to quilt it! Wish me luck!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hi. I realized at about 1 am this morning that I did not blog and thought, well you should all be sleeping anyway so I'll wait till today!! I did get the last petal detailed and finished. I have saved the red paint in case I need to tweak something later but otherwise I just have to complete the background and I can title it and sign it. The picture here doesn't really do it justice... I am very excited on how it has turned out so far!
I was is in organization mode last night and think I can finally find everything I need in the studio. Of course now that everything has a home I won't be able to find anything!!! We'll see how it goes though. While I was doing that, Chris was working on my Etsy shop. For now, it is a place where I can showcase and sell my Southwest line. I now have both my originals and prints up there. There are three waterfall scenes in there too but otherwise I am selling my Midwest line exclusively at arts festivals and on my website. In any case, Chris worked really hard on my Etsy shop and he did a really nice job. Check it out at amykayetaylor.etsy.com.
I am off to do some sewing today. I am working on a t-shirt quilt commission. Fun stuff!
Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Saturday, March 22, 2008
More Rose
Hello! Here is the picture of wet rose that I was unable to access yesterday. Tomorrow I am planning on getting a picture with all the petals finished. Then, all I have left to define are the leaves in the background. How very exciting!
In other exciting news, I am working on my Esty shop, rather my husband is for me! He is very sweet!. I'm still learning everything about it from him so the more I learn the more I'll share. Right now he has posted my giclee prints on canvas for sale. They look fabulous! You can take a peak at amykayetaylor.etsy.com. I believe plans are to post more items tomorrow. and of course, I'll be checking back in here tomorrow also!
Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Friday, March 21, 2008
Nearly there!
Hello! Wow, time does fly when you have lots and lots to do!! I'm actually having some technical difficulties at the moment so although I did get a nice progress shot with only one petal left to finish on wet rose, it is not quite worth the fight right now to try and get up. But I did want to stop in and say hi. I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten you and I haven't stopped painting!
Until next time...
Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wet Rose, Big Petal
It has been an interesting day today. It has been raining most of the day but near the end it decided to throw about an inch of snow in too! To top off the weather drama, I was working on some tax paperwork to be able to sell art in Illinois and as usual, the language has to be different for every state... so I call the number to ask my questions, wait my fair share of minutes (my call was very important to them so I stayed on the line!!) and in the middle of my question they had a tornado drill and he had to say goodbye! Arg! Crazy weather!! After all that, I gave up and I'll try again tomorrow!
Much of the remainder of my day was spent in the frame shop but just before I had to go in, I was able to work on a big chunk of my painting. I finished painting a VERY large petal on my wet rose. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish the petals. That is the plan anyway.
Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Painting Wet Rose
Hello! Today was a wet and dreary day so it seemed fitting to stay in a paint! I felt in the mood to do some detail work so I started the finishing layer on wet rose. The details of the dew drops or rain drops or whatever kind of drops they are have been interesting to articulate. Each drop seems to have it's own personality depending on where it is laying on the rose. I've got the middle mostly worked out for now and that is what you are seeing in this picture. More pictures to come!
Until next time...
follow a painting,
wet rose
Monday, March 17, 2008
Here fishy, fishy!
Hello! Thought I should check in and update you on the happenings in the studio. This weekend, I rested some so I didn't get quite so much done. Today, however, I was able to finish one of my latest quilt requests. This is a wall hanging that is to brighten up a space, I believe, at the OSU Medical Center where they work with autistic children and their families. I think those bright fun fish should do the trick! I sure hope they enjoy looking at it! Until next time...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
14 Coulds... or so
Hello! I got a picture of the many cloud under paintings I have been talking about. How fun is that?!! Today I finished the one I had started and finally cleaned the pallet! I think that is enough to keep me quite busy for a while!! This morning I ran 10 miles and then was a bit pooped so not a lot happened after that!! I've got some sewing to do before I get back to the easel so we shall keep you updated!
Until next time...
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's Friday!
Good Evening! Today was another painting day. I got a few more skies going. Sometimes, if I have paint left over from one painting, I don't want to be wasteful so I come up with another painting that will use up the excess paint. This morning I still had sky paint left and couldn't bring myself to toss it... so I did a couple more sky under paintings! I should have plenty to do now!! Perhaps tomorrow I'll try to gather them all together in one spot and take a picture! It's actually kind of fun to see them all drying in a row! I've got a 10 miler to run tomorrow morning so I'd better get myself to bed!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Big paint day
Hello! Sorry I missed yesterday but really you didn't miss much. I got the cleaning bug and did a bit of spring cleaning yesterday. You know how you notice one thing and then you end up scrubbing the entire house in spite of yourself? Hmmm. I guess it happens to the best of us!!
Today, however, was not a cleaning day. It was a painting day. I started out with a nice 4 mile run. It was gorgeous out! I enjoyed how ironic it was that I was wearing shorts to run and there were still foot high snow drifts on the edges of the path! It was beautiful though. I enjoyed the long tree shadows on the snow covered ground. Then it was back home and in my nice clean studio!
I was in a cloud mode today and I just went with it. I was under painting clouds like crazy! I started a variety of sizes and shapes and I haven't exactly decided what is going under the clouds yet. Seven under painted skies later, I am writing you and then going to bed! I think it's about time I got my head out of the clouds!!
Until next time!
Today, however, was not a cleaning day. It was a painting day. I started out with a nice 4 mile run. It was gorgeous out! I enjoyed how ironic it was that I was wearing shorts to run and there were still foot high snow drifts on the edges of the path! It was beautiful though. I enjoyed the long tree shadows on the snow covered ground. Then it was back home and in my nice clean studio!
I was in a cloud mode today and I just went with it. I was under painting clouds like crazy! I started a variety of sizes and shapes and I haven't exactly decided what is going under the clouds yet. Seven under painted skies later, I am writing you and then going to bed! I think it's about time I got my head out of the clouds!!
Until next time!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Missed Detail
I'm back... someone just e-mailed me an important question about farm scene and I thought I'd share the answer with everyone. She asked how big the painting is and it is 12 inches high and 24 inches wide. It is oil paint on canvas painted gallery style so the stretched sides are painted too. Thanks for the question!
Until next time...
Until next time...
Wet Paint!
Hope you are having a good Tuesday! Before I got busy and missed today, I thought I would post the final photo from farm scene. When it dries I can sign it and title it and it will be good to go! I may tweak a leaf here or there as it is drying and then my husband will make me sign it so I don't mess with it anymore! I have made a deal with myself that once a painting is signed, it is finished and I am not allowed to paint on it anymore. That keeps me from getting into too much trouble!! Now that farm scene is finished perhaps it is time to work on wet rose again! As far as I know, I have two interruption free days coming up so I can tackle wet rose and maybe finish it too! Stay tuned! Until next time...
farm scene,
follow a painting,
wet rose
Monday, March 10, 2008
Nearly there!
Good evening to you! I've been able to hang out in the studio quite a bit today and have made some progress on the farm scene. Here is another progress shot. All I have left to finish is the vegetation at the bottom (the foreground) and I would like to add some more color in the hills farthest back. You cannot tell by this picture but I actually have to paint around my sides too. My trees and fields will wrap around so you can enjoy the scenery in 3-D so to speak. My next photo should be the final one... but until next time...
farm scene,
follow a painting
Midday progress
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Nursery - Final Look
Happy Sunday! Today was a bit of a productive day in the studio. I was able to finish another under painting. It is a 30x40 cloud scene with a barn and the remains of a harvested corn field. I actually got the photo that inspired this piece while I was visiting the home of the nursery we've been following. I looked out the window in the middle of painting elephant and had to take a quick camera break! There were some fantastic pre-snow storm clouds. I've taken pictures of the progress so far. Perhaps it will be another painting to follow in the near future! For now, however, let's look at these animals in their final form! I took the pictures late at night so the coloring is a little yellowed but you can see the details.
Until next time...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Nursery mural step two!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Follow a mural!
Hello all! For the next three blogs I would like to take you through the transformation a little nursery just got! It is so cute! We decided on a modern and simplistic jungle theme. We were inspired by a picture on HGTV's website and followed it's lead. Today's picture shows the background treatments and and how I made animal stencils and got them placed on the wall! I had a blast with this room. I hope you enjoy it too. Now, back in the studio to continue on farm scene! Have a great day!
Until next time!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Action Shot!
Hello! I believe I am officially ready for winter to be over but I know we surely still have a bit of it to go! More snow decided to blanket the area last night... the day after a 60 degree beauty! What can you do?!!
Let's see, yesterday I was quite the sewer. I finished piecing my donation quilt. I call it my pink quilt because it is all pink and white. It is very pretty. I wasn't able to quilt yet because I had to soak the batting and it must air dry. While I waited for that, I chopped into those t-shirts and started getting them prepped for sewing. And finally, a wall hanging that had been ordered since November but we could never figure out exactly what we wanted, well we finally did and I got started on that one too! It is very bright and colorful and happy so I really wanted to get started on it!
So, I didn't get into the painting studio after all that. However, I have a picture in my file I thought would be fun to share of me working on Barn Scene. My husband was out with the camera the other day taking pictures of me painting. I sometimes call him, and don't laugh at the spelling, my "Poparatzi!" I hope I can get back into the painting studio today even just for a couple minutes. We'll see how it goes!
Until next time...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Follow a Farm, painting day 2
Good Morning! Thought I might check in this morning since I missed last night somehow! You know those eyelids start drooping and you just can't ignore them!! I call yesterday a modge podge of a day. I did a little bit of everything! The main project was a new quilt. I am actually working on two quilts at the moment. We finalized the design for the t-shirt quilt I was telling you about but I also worked on a quilt that will be donated for a fabulous cause, The James Stitching Sisters' 2008 "100 Quilts of Comfort." They provide quilts to breast cancer patients receiving treatment. I just could not pass up the chance to make a quilt for one of those ladies. My grandmother was a breast cancer survivor so I also get the chance to think about her while I'm sewing!
I also was able to sneak in some painting yesterday so I have a progress shot of Farm Scene. I got the buildings finished. They are just waiting for their green trees to surround them! Right now the trees are red. The red will help the green come alive when I am ready for that layer. Can't wait! Until next time...
farm scene,
follow a painting,
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Follow a Farm, painting day 1
Happy Sunday! Today was a bit more relaxed for me but somewhat productive none the less! Today was the reception for the "Art from the Heart" exhibit my new cows are in. They did get some great comments from the crowd. Once back from the reception I was able to sit back and do a bit of painting. After all of yesterdays activities, my body was screaming for a day of little movement! Above is the under painting for Farm Scene. Now that is what I call an ugly painting! We will have to remedy that in the near future! Have a great week upcoming! Until next time...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
New Follow a Painting
Hello to you! Happy March! Wow, today turned out to be quite an interesting day! First thing this morning I joined my running buddies for a long run. A nice 8 miler. Then, I started painting a nursery. Another of my side talents is murals or fun rooms transformed by paint! This nursery is actually for a niece I am about to welcome in May! We are doing a jungle theme and today I got the background colors and the tree tops finished. Now I think I'm ready for bed!!
But before I go I wanted to post the picture that is inspiring my next painting. I'm going to work on this one while I wait patiently for the first layer of paint to dry on wet rose. This one for now is called farm scene. This photo was taken in southern Ohio where rolling hills, trees and farms are abundant and beautiful. This one caught my eye and I thought I'd give it a go on painting it.
Until next time!
farm scene,
follow a painting,
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