Hello! Wow, the studio is 3/4 of the way gone and into the new apartment! I have been packing for a couple days and I'm finally feeling like I am getting a little somewhere on the move. An artist collects EVERYTHING because, you know, maybe I could use that someday! Well, one of the purposes of this move is to sort and purge so it has been very interesting to see just what I thought I could use later!!
I have also been on a quilting mission. The new place is a little limited in extra large open space so I am trying to finish my queen size t-shirt quilt before the furniture is scheduled to move. That is Thursday so I have been quilting like it's going out of style! I am about 3/4 of the way finished with that as well. I'm looking forward to finishing that one tomorrow. I'll see if I can post a picture it. It's really very nice. You'd be surprised just how classy t-shirts can look!
Here in about a week or so, I should be finished with moving and finished with major fabrics projects and it will be an all out painting extravaganza! Can't wait for it. I'll see you there! Please bear with me for just a little longer. Thanks!
Until next time...