Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Follow a Clouds over Harvested Corn

Hello! Well, here is the first layer of paint. I wanted to get the clouds laid out and an idea of where the corn field would go. There is also a barn in the distance in this scene. Here in a day or so I will be able to start on the final layer but I'll wait till then to decide which part I'll do first. I have a tendency to be a "moody" painter. If I'm in the mood to do clouds, I'd better do clouds because anything else will be forced and take twice as long as it should! I'll keep you informed of my painting mood!

Until next time...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Follow a Painting

Good Morning! I thought I would get a little painting done this morning before we need to go work on the move once more. I have been working on a portrait quilt the last couple days and it looks really nice so far. However, the festival season is coming ever closer so I'd better pick up those paint brushes again. Here is the inspiration photo for the next large painting. This painting is planned to be 30 inches wide and 40 inches tall. I call this follow a painting Clouds Over Harvested Corn. This was a picture I took of a farm before the "Blizzard of 08" hit. There were some pretty amazing pre-frontal clouds that day and I took quite a few impressive shots. I'm looking to turn them into some pretty impressive paintings!! Come back to see the progress. Until next time...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Evergreen

Happy Friday!

I believe earlier in this blog I showed a progress sky of one other evergreen painting and here is the final picture. I still need to title this one but it is 10 inches high by 8 inches wide. Like the others, the scene extends around the edges. I can see more evergreens in my future as a painter. They have quite a bit of personality and are a lot of fun to paint. Actually, today I saw a group of them amongst some beautiful flowering trees. I may have to find that spot again and get a picture. This is the last of this series. Next, I think I will work on a new farm scene... the inspiration photo tomorrow!

Until next time...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tall Evergreen finished!

Good Morning! I am happy to show you the final image of Tall Evergreen. Here you can see all the final details and enjoy. This piece is 16 inches wide by 20 inches tall and is painted gallery style. I always mention painting gallery style but I don't believe I have ever shown you what that means. Sometimes I say painted around the edges, which to me means the same thing. I've taken a picture of Happy Couple from the side so that you may easily see how the painting wraps around. I paint all of my paintings in this way. I like to do this for a couple reasons. One, I can extend the scenery and give it even more depth. Second, framing is only a personal preference as opposed to a necessity. My paintings are ready to hang on the wall as soon as you get them home. However, if you want to give it an alternate look that matches other pieces that are framed in your home, you are welcome to do that as well. I like having choices but also not having to make up my mind!! Anyway, enjoy the new painting and guess what? We get to follow a new one! Oh wait, I do have one more evergreen to show you tomorrow. I finished that one too! It's great to be back at it again!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Follow Tall Evergreens

Happy Wednesday to you!

I thought I'd share this picture of Tall Evergreens with about half of the foreground left to finish. Sometimes when you see all those flowers in a painting, you wonder in what order I painted everything in. Sometimes it is pretty random. I work with all the colors starting with the lightest and most interesting to the darkest and less noticeable background. However, as in Tall Evergreen, I sometimes work in chunks. I work on one batch of grass or flowers and then move to the next batch. What you see here is that I painted the background trees first, then the row of red flowers and then the grass. The finished picture soon!

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hello! I have a new picture to post. I've been painting!! I am very happy to be painting again. I decided to get back into the groove by working on a smaller piece so the picture you see here is my completed version of "Happy Couple." It is 6 inches wide and 12 inches tall painted all around the edges in oils. Today I am working on Tall Evergreen. I look forward to a progress shot of that painting soon.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Goodness! I cannot believe it's been 6 days since I chatted with you last. I do miss this. Today, we are moving the last of the studio which includes the easels and the paints. I am quite excited about that. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some greens and reds and yellows ready for some trees and fields. I am so happy spring is here. The trees are flowering and they look wonderful! Inspiration everywhere! And... my tulips are budding. Well, I'd better get going. Thanks for your patience with me and we chat again soon!

Until next time...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello! Wow, the studio is 3/4 of the way gone and into the new apartment! I have been packing for a couple days and I'm finally feeling like I am getting a little somewhere on the move. An artist collects EVERYTHING because, you know, maybe I could use that someday! Well, one of the purposes of this move is to sort and purge so it has been very interesting to see just what I thought I could use later!!

I have also been on a quilting mission. The new place is a little limited in extra large open space so I am trying to finish my queen size t-shirt quilt before the furniture is scheduled to move. That is Thursday so I have been quilting like it's going out of style! I am about 3/4 of the way finished with that as well. I'm looking forward to finishing that one tomorrow. I'll see if I can post a picture it. It's really very nice. You'd be surprised just how classy t-shirts can look!

Here in about a week or so, I should be finished with moving and finished with major fabrics projects and it will be an all out painting extravaganza! Can't wait for it. I'll see you there! Please bear with me for just a little longer. Thanks!

Until next time...

Friday, April 11, 2008

it's Friday!

Hello! Before I got busy and forgot to come to the computer, I thought I'd check in and post another picture. I got some more clouds finalized last night on Happy Couple and the other one I started that has no name right now. Once the purple shadows of the trees dries, I'll able to play in some green and other colors. Can't wait! Tomorrow is my half marathon so today is getting ready for the pre-pasta dinner and trying to take it easy. I hope to stop by later in the weekend.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Good progress

Happy Thursday! Today I got to spend a good amount of time in the studio with a paint brush in my hand. My hand was very happy. And, my head got to hang out in the clouds again! I put a final coat of clouds on Tall Evergreen. Once this layer is dry I get to add the green to the trees and start on the field in front of them. Meanwhile, I am going to finish the clouds on Happy Couple and the other two tree and field paintings I have started. Another picture tomorrow! Until next time...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I do exist!

Hello! My goodness, where does the time go? I am still alive and well. I have been in the studio but I have been sorting and packing and dissembling furniture. Everything is headed to the new studio! The easel is begging me to stop by and it is not moving until the last minute. So I am going to promise you and myself that I will work on tall evergreen tomorrow and post a progress shot. Sounds like a great plan. See you tomorrow!

Until next time...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunny Sunday

Hello! I thought I'd check in and say hi. I didn't get a chance to hang out in the studio at all today. I worked a shift in the frame shop this morning and then I packed and enjoyed a beautiful, wonderful day outside. This is what I have been looking forward to! While I was out I noticed some trees are about to bloom. The camera is waiting for some fantastic blooms and spring green. Actually, so are the paints and the painter!

Until next time...

Saturday, April 5, 2008


It was a beautiful Saturday! This morning I headed out for the 12 mile training run and I was so happy I could wear shorts! It was a little chilly at first but otherwise it was a great run! Next weekend is the half-marathon I've been training for so I'm about there!

Meanwhile, I mixed some paints for the final layer of clouds and sky for Tall Evergreen. The paint hasn't actually made it to the canvas yet but it has great potential!! While you are waiting for me to get that going, take a look at one of my other under paintings I was talking about yesterday (I think). This one reminds me of my husband and I standing together because he is about a head taller than me. He titled it "Happy Couple" and I think I like that one! It is 6" wide by 12" tall. This will be a fun one to follow on the side.

Until next time...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tree Shape

Happy Friday! I thought I'd stop in and send you the latest picture of Tall Evergreen. I laid in the approximate shapes so I now I have a good idea of where everything goes in my new painting. The purple is my favorite color to lay in trees. I like how it shows through the green in spots and adds depth to the tree. I am actually going to head to easel now and work on some other tree shapes. I have ideas for a couple other skies I've started. Until next time...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Follow a Tall Evergreen

Good Evening!

Today has turned out to be a bit of a productive day. I was actually able to get some painting and packing done today. The first piece of furniture is set up in the new place. It is the fabric shelf and it is loaded and ready to go! Meanwhile, I was able to spend an hour or so painting and worked on some under paintings. Here is the sky plan for Tall Evergreen. Tomorrow I should have a good picture of the tree shapes laid in. I had paint left over and I was in an evergreen mode so I found some other clouds that looked like they needed evergreens too! Now I have three paintings planned and drying. Funny how that works! Well, I'm off... see you tomorrow.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Painting Thoughts

Hello! Now that I have finished Tulip Party, I'm ready for a new painting! The picture you are seeing is the inspiration for the new project. I have actually used this picture as an inspiration one other time and the painting sold very soon after I finished it. That tells me that this scene is ideal in its content and can lead me to a pretty strong piece. I will not refer to my last painting on purpose because I want to know where this picture takes me the second time around!! Perhaps it will be a very similar path or perhaps it will have a whole new feel. What I do know right now is that this painting will be 16 inches wide and 20 inches tall and feature a tall evergreen. Thus, this follow a painting will be called "Tall Evergreen." I'm actually going to use one of my sky under paintings I worked on a while back. So... we are well on our way. I am also sewing and moving at this time so this follow a painting may or may not go slower than the last. I'll keep you posted! Until next time...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April

Hi! I just realized that today was the first of April. Welcome April! And welcome back to Tulip Party. I just finished the blue sky on the Tulip Party painting and you may even be able to see the sheen from the paint! Now can you see the white tulips?!!! Very nice. These are the best kind of tulips to get too. They never fade or die. As tulip season comes closer I can see more paintings coming of this happy flower! Tomorrow, I will need to sew but I should have my inspiration picture picked out for my next Follow a Painting. I believe I am ready for some clouds and trees. Check in tomorrow for the start of this new painting adventure!

Until next time...

More paint

Hello! I was able to finish the leaves and the rock behind. Now it's time for a blue sky. The next picture will be a finished tulip party with the blue sky the last component. See you in a few hours!

Until next time...