Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And we now see a sky! I working on a couple different skies at the moment and here is the sky for the sketch we saw last time. Today I should be able to work on some under paintings and start revealing what is happening below the skies. Can't wait!

Until next time...

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well, it's about time I got back to the blog isn't it?! I've had three shows in a row and have not been in the studio much. But here is something new I am working on. My next show is in a small town bordering Lake Michigan. Last year I took several pictures of the Lake Michigan shorelines in hopes to paint them someday. Here is a sketch of one I will paint now. An under painting is soon to follow.

Until next time...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Here are the final looks for both the waterfall and the farm scene. Both pieces are on display at the moment in my booth at the Columbus Arts Festival. They look fantastic with the rest of the collection! If you are local, stop by and see. I think the rain is supposed to subside and we should have a lovely day!
Until next time...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Okay, here is the next step on both my waterfall and my farm scene. I have actually finished them by now and I hope they are dry in time to take to the Columbus Arts Festival tomorrow.
Until next time...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good Wednesday!
I have finally made it back into the studio and here is what I am up to. I am actually working on two pieces simultaneously because the colors I am using are very similar. The tans and browns dry very quickly so I am getting most of my neutral colors laid in first and then I will mix my foliage colors next. The barn is finished but I still have more rock to do. More tomorrow!
Until next time...