Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good evening!

Here is a peak at the four drawings that I worked on to figure out what would go in the four paintings I am planning for slides. Each time I apply to a show, I need to send either slides or digital images of my work for review - anywhere from 3 to 4 different pieces. I have a very short time frame (like seconds) to impress the jury to give me a high enough score to get in. This time I thought it might be neat if I showed my versatility in the landscapes I paint but have them relate to each other. It will seem as though the same scene has been split into 4 canvases. Next step... paint!

Until next time...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good Afternoon and welcome to the studio of Amy Kaye Taylor! I have been making good use of the studio these past couple of days. I have been mostly in planning mode with lots of sketching but some painting as well. In any case I have plenty to share. I realized I didn't show you the rest of my shadow on the 40 x 60 so that is what we are looking at today. I touched the white this morning and I am still waiting for it to dry completely before I work on the final cloud layer. In the winter, the drying process takes much longer. I will need to be really patient!! I have a couple more paintings to plan before I mix new paints. I will share a couple of my sketches next.

Until next time...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hello! One last look before Christmas arrives. This is the finished Mountain commission I was working on. She picked it up yesterday and is in love! It really turned out quite nice. I'll be back next week to work some more on new projects for the new year.

Merry Christmas!

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Here is a finished look at the roses we were following at one point. I wired them so that they would hang on the diamond point. They were each 10 x 10 inches. They were a nice change of pace but I must admit, I am glad to be painting clouds again!

Until next time...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good Afternoon!

Amy Kaye Taylor does exist! Wow! I've been away for way too long. Well, I have some things to share finally. I finished a couple commissions and started on my new line a little. I can share some photos regarding those paintings. The one we are looking at now is the start of a new 40" x 60" painting. It will be a river scene. I have the clouds and the tree line laid in - I still have to put the river and foreground grass in for the first layer. This layer can dry over the Christmas holiday and then I can slowly work on details when I get back. Stay tuned, I'm going to share a couple finished pieces next.

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Good Day!
Finally, a good photo of the tree and meadow shadows for my mountain scene. It seems like we've seen nothing but purple and blue from this piece. It will be very nice to infuse some new and vibrant colors into these shadows. I will be out of town for my final show of the season starting tomorrow so sadly, we'll have to wait to see those colors!
Until next time...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Morning.
Here is the under painting for the final rose of its series. I was actually able to finish the shadows for the mountain trees yesterday as well but we are waiting until the wet paint isn't so wet. I keep getting a bad glare in the photo. I'll try again tomorrow. Everything is looking good!
Until next time...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Good Morning!
Here is a peak at the under painting for the yellow rose in the four rose series. I still have one more white one to show in this painting stage. Also, the mountain is now dry so I can add tree and meadow shadows to my mountain scene. Looks like today will be a productive day!!
Until next time...

Friday, November 6, 2009


Featured today is one of the white roses in it's under painted state. Despite the fact that all four of these pieces are roses - I was able to find four roses that could stand out on their own if they needed to. This one has the petals that drop right off the canvas giving it a unique personality. I actually may rotate this one later now that I look at it. Once they are all finished, I'll know which way would be the best way to hang them as a group.

Until next time...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Good Morning!

As the mountains are drying I am working on a series of four roses in the diamond format. I showed you the drawings in the way they will be hanging on the wall. In the plan there is one pink, one yellow, and two white roses. These are the under paintings that I will be working on and sharing the next few days. Here is the pink one.

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hello! Here is a look at the finished lavender sky and mountains for this commission. It was requested that the mountains have snow caps and that they resemble the color of the Blue Ridge Mountains. In response to this request, I created my own mountain range that included both ideals. The one thing I noticed when I saw the Blue Ridge Mountains a couple years ago was how soft and quiet the scene looked. Although the mountains had their own majestic appeal, they felt like the quiet protector. That was the feel I was thinking about when I painted the sky and mountains today - strong yet soft. When this layer dries I will look forward to adding evergreen shadows. There will be many of them and they will be magnificent!

Until next time...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hello! I had a small window of time last night - so I prepped the canvases for my four diamond roses. Here are the drawings for the four pieces. In between of mountain layers I will be able to work on under paintings for these. They are 10"x10" each so they will be very fun! Today, I will be working on sky and mountains on the other piece. Hope to have an updated photo tomorrow.

Until next time...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome back! It's great to be back to the painting! As I mentioned in my last blog, I was moving and I just now found all the proper materials to get back to work. I have two commissions going at the moment and we will probably follow throughout this next week or so. We will be following the mountain scene I left you with last. We will also be following some paintings of roses in the diamond format. Meanwhile, here is a glimpse of what one of my new painting spots looks like. I have a four seasons room that has an incredible amount of natural light to paint to during the day. Yippee.

Until next time...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Good Morning. This will be my last blog entry for probably two weeks. I am moving this coming weekend and I think I have waited just long enough to start packing!! However, I am going to leave you with an under study of a piece that we will be following from the brand new studio when it is all set up! This is a commision request for a lavendar sky, mountains, evergreens and meadows. So far, I've outlined the clouds and mountains. The next step will be adding details and final colors to these features as well as shadowing the evergreens and meadows. They will wait for me to get settled into the new studio though and I will be back in about two weeks!

Until next time...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hello. Wanted to check in for a moment. I am about to embark on my last day of a four day show in Akron Ohio. This is one of the paintings introduced here at the show. It is called "Perfect Pumpkin Patch." It is 11 x 14 in size. It fits right in with the season doesn't it?

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Morning!

I finished the diamond! I have titled it "Autumn Has Arrived." It is 20" x 20" square. Enjoy!

Until next time...

Monday, September 28, 2009

I had mentioned earlier that I was going to work on my new diamond shaped painting next. I thought I was going to use all greens like the last one but I did not want it to become too predictable. Also, I am starting to become influenced by some autumn colors here lately. So, I decided I would paint one of my favorite orange trees surrounded by new tree friends. An autumn scene is what we are seeing now! More trees to come!
Until next time...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hello! It is a final look! Love the boat... may have to try that one again with another pond/lake scene. I hear that the inspiration boat no longer exists so I will paint it's story to live forever!! Until next time...

Friday, September 25, 2009

More painting progress. Should finish quite soon!
Until next time...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hello! I wanted to share the progress of a new piece. We are looking at a painting that is a commission. This is a certain size and theme that was specified by my patron. As you can see, I am in the stages of adding the final color layer. I have quite a bit left to go though so I will get back to it!

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Evening. Here is a look at the diamond in final sky and shadow stage. I am looking forward to adding color to this piece and really making it come life. However, the white is taking its good old time drying - so we all must wait!!

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello. Here is a look at one of the paintings I have finished lately. This is one of the 8 x 10's I had showed earlier in under painting stage. I really liked this scene in small format. I found a similar photo that I am using as inspiration for a new diamond shaped painting. I'll be able to show some progress on the new piece tomorrow, I think.

Until next time...

Monday, September 21, 2009


This weekend I was at a show in Columbus, Ohio. I had a great spot with the river and the Columbus sky line in front of me and COSI behind me. I took many pictures of the sky line throughout the day with the lighting different each time. I have been thinking about a city painting as a change of pace. Here I had the perfect opportunity to get a great view of Columbus's beautiful architecture. The scene on the right is looking through the columns of COSI onto my booth and part of the sky line. Now I am back in the studio and will get back to painting soon.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Here is a progress shot of one of the paintings I am working on in the studio. Since fall is well on it's way I thought I'd play with some colorful trees!

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Morning.

Today is supposed to be an all painting day so we shall see how it goes. Here are a couple of the paintings I will be working on soon. Both images have a water system of some sort. It will be nice to see them with color.

Until next time...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Morning!

Today I get to return to the studio and start painting again. I cannot wait! I have a couple commissions to start and I also need to restock so to speak since I sold three paintings this past weekend. We have been looking at some clouds and shadows lately. I was able to finish the last piece we saw which I have called "River Reflections" before I left for Bowling Green. Here is a glimpse of the final painting. I thought it turned out really nice. It has a similar design and feel to the original painting but it also has it's own personality. I like that.

Until next time...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Good Afternoon. Here is another look at an under painting I finished this week. It is similar in format to a larger painting I finished earlier in the year and has sold. A patron wanted a similar scene in a size that would fit his wall space. It will interesting to see if it is easier to paint the second time around. I will be out for a couple days for another show. I'll check back in Monday.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This week has been a catch up on paperwork week. However, I have been able to paint a little bit along the way. I have been working on some final skies with shadows below them. Now when I come back from this weekend's show in Bowling Green, I will be ready to add details and color. Here is one of my favorite skies I have finished so far. This piece has potential to be very strong. Next week we will see it's true colors!

Until next time...

Friday, September 4, 2009

Good Morning!

Today Chris and I are headed to the Chicago area for the last show of the season in that area. We will set up this evening and sell Saturday and Sunday. Sunday evening we get to pack quickly, hop in the van, drive back to Columbus to set up for a one day Labor Day show here. So it is to be an action packed weekend! Before I leave, I wanted to share the last painting I did before I left. This piece is a diptych (one scene on two canvases). It is 30" tall and each canvas is 15" wide. They can be hung together side by side or on two sides of another feature.

Until next time...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Good Afternoon. Although many of you have seen this on my Taylor Times, here is the final look for the painting we have been following. It's always nice to see the end!
Until next time...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello. Here is a progress shot of the the diamond. I started with the center this time and worked my way out. So far I like how the center trees mimic the cloud shapes above. This is going to be a really nice composition when it is finished.
Until next time...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Morning!
I have been working on something new. The diamond! I was across the street from a beautiful painter of flowers who had a series of iris paintings on diamond shaped canvases. The shape worked so well for several of her flower types. I thought it was a wonderful concept and asked her if I could use it in my paintings. She said that she had borrowed the idea from another painter and to go ahead. I sketched out several scenes that I thought would work nice in a diamond format and this is the under painting for my first stab at it.
Until next time...

Monday, August 31, 2009

This weekend I worked on a series of smaller companion paintings for the three tall evergreen pieces I have shared. These range in size from 4x4 to 8x10. They were fun to see come to life. Each one has it's own personality but still fits nicely into the series. More painting today.

Until next time...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here is a final look at the easel piece I was working on yesterday. The great thing about painting in this format is the amount of "land layers" you can add to the foreground. Rarely can I fit a second row of trees and here I have two rows of trees, a row of shrubs and several rows of meadow - not to mention the tall billowing clouds. Enjoy!
Until next time...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello Blog Followers!

It has a been a little while since I have been on here, hasn't it? I have been house hunting so in between showings, meetings, signing my name many times and coffee shop discussions, I have been trying to get some paint on the canvas. Thus, the blogging took a back seat for a couple weeks! But I'm back. We did find a lovely house that I cannot wait to get into. Amongst other great features it has many studio opportunities so that is fantastic.
Meanwhile, I am still working on a couple new pieces for a series of festivals upcoming. Here is a picture of the easel as it looks right now. This piece is 48" tall and 12" wide. It will make any nook or entry way come to life when it's finished. Behind the easel are two more I have finished with a similar theme and proportion. Those two are 36" tall and 6" wide.

Until next time...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good Morning. Here is a quick look at a painting I finished yesterday before we packed the van for our road trip. This one is 8" tall by 10" wide. It is a companion piece to the painting we saw yesterday.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Although the colors are a little off, here is a photo of the final painting we looked at yesterday. I will be painting more today. It will be my last day to paint before I head to my next show in Wisconsin.

Until next time...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Good Afternoon!
Here is a look at what I am working on today. I am staying with friends in Illinois and I am monopolizing a corner of the family room for painting. As you can see my colors are mixed and my shadow is on the canvas, on the easel, ready to go. Now it's time for color! If I don't get the chance to take progress shots, I will at least have a final look for you in the near future.
Until next time...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hello! I thought I would stop in and say hi. I am not painting right now. I am in Glenview, IL at "Art at the Glen" Arts Festival. So far we have experienced rain, wind and heat (not in that particular order or all at once!!). Otherwise, I have gotten a chance to catch up with a couple of my collectors in the Chicago area and that has been really nice. I will look forward to meet some new collectors tomorrow. While we are waiting for me to get back to my easel however I am sharing a piece I finished before I left. It is called "Autumn Colors by the Pond." It is 10" tall by 8" wide.
Until next time...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hello! I got a nice photo of the first rainbow I was working on. I love how the piece glows just as the landscape does where a rainbow resides. Today Chris and I have traveled to the Chicago area for a festival in Glenview. It may be a wet and windy one. It should be interesting.

Until next time...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good Afternoon!

Here is one more rainbow painting. This one is 18" x 18" and is depicted as a storm during early sunset. The colors in the clouds are more animated than I am used to but I think it is quite dynamic that way. Now we just have to wait for this layer to dry so I can add in the tree details. Today I am in the studio again and I think I will try and finish a couple pieces that are waiting patiently on me to have time for them!

Until next time...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Afternoon!

It's good to be back! I have been without Internet for a few days but now I can share a little more of what I have been up to. At one of my shows, someone asked if I have ever painted a rainbow. Well, I have painted one rainbow in my painting career inspired by one I had seen biking in a storm in Monument Valley. I have actually seen two or three rainbows this summer and caught a double rainbow on camera, so I thought perhaps I would try a couple paintings with rainbows in them. Here is the sky and under painting shadows for one of them. I am working on similar components for another now. I like trying new things - so I am glad my collector planted that seed!

Until next time...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Okay, I'm back. I've been in painting mode for the last couple days and haven't made it to the computer much. I believe we saw the clouds for this painting earlier. Now, here is the finished piece. It is 48" high x 24" wide. It is drying so that hopefully it can go to The Nature Arts Festival with me this weekend and woo my collectors!! It does have amazing wooing powers! I have another painting to share tomorrow.

Until next time...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

And here it is... the final look at my golf course commission! The colors are brighter and happier than the camera has picked up (always 100 times better in person than on disk) but we have good sneak peak anyway! Today, since the greens are already mixed, I'm going to work on another piece I have been waiting to add finishing touches on.
Until next time...

Monday, July 27, 2009


I am working on the golf course today. I've finished some of the trees in the background and pat of the green. As you can see though... I've got quite a ways left to go. More later...

Until next time...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Good Evening!
Here is one of the skies I have been working on this week - a big, billowing cloud with lots of soft detail. Once this layer is dry I will decide what will go under that cloud go shadow it in. Meanwhile, I have started more clouds.
Until next time...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Evening!
Here is a progress shot of the golf course painting we are following. We now have a final look at the sky and an idea of how the trees and hole are set up. It is going to be beautiful, I can tell already! Today I worked on some more skies. I may have a new sky to share tomorrow - if it stops raining long enough to get a nice picture!!
Until next time...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Evening! It looks like we are ready to follow a new painting now that Perfect Day is finished. A couple weeks ago I shared a photo of a golf course that I would be painting as a commission. I've finally had a chance to work on it. Here you see the under painting for the sky.

Until next time...