Monday, June 16, 2008

Rough Day!

Hi there! It's Monday again and here in St. Charles, IL it is a beautiful sunny day. However, I have a feeling my colleagues in Ohio are experiencing the storms we had yesterday at the Cantigny Arts Festival. About 7 am yesterday, Northern Chicago was engulfed in a storm carrying 70 mph winds and heavy rain. On the drive in, there were tree branches in the road and I was so worried what we would find when we arrived at the park. Our tents are not necessarily made to withstand those conditions. We were about to find out just how strong our setup was. There were about six tents scattered about the grounds that didn't stay put during the storm. There was artwork strewn about and set-ups collapsed. The end booths caught the brunt of the storm. We arrived at mine and a corner of my tent had come undone and fallen inside. Everything was drenched. However, my oil paintings are able to resist water and we were able to wipe everything down and wait for the sun to come out to dry the rest. The only piece that was ruined was the piece that I had worked on the day before that hadn't dried yet. Water and oil don't mix well as I'm sure you know. So I am waiting for it to dry some more to see if I can salvage it or if I'll have to toss it. I feel very fortunate that I didn't have to pack up and go home due to loss from the storm. Afterwards, the weather cleared and the show went on. I painted for the crowd again and this time I think I'll be able to keep it!! Now, I will be painting as usual to get ready for this coming weekend. I'll try to keep you posted! Have a great day!

Until next time...

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