Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sew Cool!

Hope this note finds you well. It was a lovely rainy, grey day here. A good kind of day to stay in and sew. Have you ever gotten so involved in a project that the day just flies by? That was how today was with my latest quilt project. There was a lot of engineering involved in today's sewing. I am happy to say that I got all but the last border together today! Now I am working with some paints for a nice brain break! It's cloud time for a new painting I am working on for a show in March. I will of course keep you posted on progress with that one!
Okay, we just had a flash of lightning followed by it's thunder! Now you are going to learn a little secret of mine... I'm not much of a fan of thunder storms - so I'm out of here! Until next time...

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